Your Performance at a Glance

All Zendesk Explore dashboards are live and refreshed daily or hourly, based on your subscription type. You get an instant overview of all activities divided into three categories: Chat/ Messaging, Talk, and Support – All crucial data collected and presented in one place. Explore and Explore Plus can expand and personalize their reports with various live data widgets.

Chat/Messaging & Call Reports

These dashboards let you quickly see your agent performance across different metrics:

-Today’s satisfaction rating

-Longest waiting time

-Average waiting time

-Conversations in queue

-Active conversations

-Away/ online agents

-A chart summary of opened and closed conversations over the past 8 hours

Support Reports

Support reports give an overview o your overall ticket resolution performance. It will also show how the daily performance compares to historical data. The report will show:

-New tickets in the past 30 minutes

-Open tickets in the past 30 minutes

-Solved Tickets in the past 30 minutes

-Tickets solved and created in the past 8 hours (a chart)

-Today’s satisfaction rating

-Online/ offline agents

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