With every risk comes reward, or so the saying goes. Now that consumers interact with retailers and brands across more channels than ever before, retailers have a tremendous opportunity to reach new consumers, sell more, and build long-term loyalty. However, interacting with consumers across channels does come with increased risk. Customers now hold retailers accountable for providing a seamless, enjoyable experience as they move between channels and interact with your brand instore, on your website or mobile app, with your call center or even with your catalog—from the start of the purchase
journey to the end. If the entire experience doesn’t meet customers’ expectations or needs, they will use those very same channels to vent frustrations and seek help.
Therefore, retailers must be prepared to serve today’s omnichannel customers. That means customer service agents must have a 360-view of customers’ transactions and behaviors, and be ready and able to answer questions whether they come via a phone call, live chat, tweet or Facebook post, email, or an in-person conversation.

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